Wroxham Irish Red and White Setters
Mia - Wroxham Angel's Vision proudly presents her first litter of pups born 2nd July 2003 - boy have they grown into some beautiful girls, handsome lads, and typical IRWS. All are much loved by their owners, who are reaping the benefits of owning or should that be owned by this wonderful breed. I am very proud to have bred these beautiful babes, watching them grow up over the past months, fulfilling their early promise, as their breeder I thank all of you for taking these pups into your home, your hearts, and helping them all to develop in their own way, in their own time, to become happy, healthy, well adjusted IRWS. We are proud of you all, and hope that you continue to enjoy doing what your chosen pup enjoys most of all - just being with you
Hannah at 8 weeks - Hannah picture taken at 10 months when she gained her final show points, she is now American Rare Breeds Association Champion Wroxham Mimosa. Well done Jill and Hannah
Nina at 8 weeks - Wroxham Merry Maid - picture aged 10 months old. She stayed home with mum and grandma, click on the link to see Nina's page for more details.
Kim (was Lucy) at 8 weeks - Wroxham Manhatton doing what she likes best, on point out on the Yorkshire Moors - aged 9 months.
Tia (was Ruby) at 8 weeks - Wroxham Mockingbird keeping mum and dad really fit playing football.
Summer (was Simone) at 8 weeks - Wroxham Magnolia at 12 months having a practice stack with her mum Geraldine, sorry just couldn't resist putting you on too.:-))
Purdey at 8 weeks - Wroxham Mandolin pictured at 11 months, mistress of all she surveys, doing a bit of bird watching.
Gabriella at 8 weeks - Wroxham Mayblossom with young friend Laura relaxing in the garden room - Laura aged five, Gabriella aged 7 months.
Archie (was Jason) at 8 weeks - Wroxham Minstrel, the 'little one' who is just growing and growing, hope he stops soon. Archie is being obedience trained by one of his young owners Hannah, and having loads of fun!!
Oliver (was James) at 8 weeks - Wroxham Mozart at 11 months, our 'Canadian boy' who is now Canadian Champion Wroxham Mozart. Oliver gained his final 2 points on his mothers (Mia) 6th Birthday - 7th August 2004. Well done Kim and Oliver.
Louis (was Jazz) at 8 weeks - Wroxham Music Man at 10 months - Crufts qualified at his first show, CGC Gold award at 9 months, Louis, dad and uncle Harvey doing a spot of rabbit hunting.